Media Kit

In order to reach all students who are still exploring their academic interests, we ask that you help us promote the Major/Minor Expo across your communication platforms.

Follow CAPE on Instagram at @cape_umn and share our expo posts to your college or departmental account's Instagram story.  You can also download and use the graphics below to incorporate into your social media plans, eNewsletters, emails, digital signage, Zoom backgrounds, and more. 

Please do not alter, stretch, or misuse any of these graphics. 

Request posters and postcards

Email to request posters and postcards while supplies last. 

Event Logo

Right-click + Save As to save this image.

Email Header/Banner

Right-click + Save As to save this image.

Social Media 

Right-click + Save As to save an image.

Follow CAPE on Instagram at @cape_umn and share our expo posts to your college or departmental account's Instagram story.  

Or create your own post using this image and suggested captions.

Suggested Facebook/Instagram Posts

Suggested Tweets

Digital Signage

Expand for more graphic options

Right-click + Save As to save an image.

Google Slide/PowerPoint

Expand for more graphic options

Right-click + Save As to save an image.

Downloadable & Printable Poster

8.5x11 inches


Zoom Backgrounds

Right-click + Save As to save an image.

Suggested Copy & Language

Suggested Blurbs for Newsletters and Social Media Captions

Direct Email Template

Subject: Don't Miss the Major/Minor Expo!

Dear [xxxxxxx]:

I encourage you to attend the Major/Minor Expo on February 15th from 12-3 p.m. in the Coffman Union Great Hall. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the majors and minors you may be considering and get your individual questions answered. 

Here is a bit of what to expect:

Visit to learn more!

